How Portable Restroom Operators Can Help Health Professionals in Need During Covid-19

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By now, you may have seen some of the news reports about the movement called “RVs4MDs to Fight the Coronavirus”. If not, let us explain a little more about it: RV owners have been getting matched up with medical professionals that wish to self-quarantine themselves at their homes, to protect their own families through a website set up for this purpose. It has been helping thousands of people during these “unprecedented times” keep their families safer.

We applaud their efforts and the ingenious idea of using RVs as a safe place while this pandemic disrupts our nation. But, now you may be wondering what it has to do with us.

One day, a local doctor from Tulsa called our president, Brett, needing his RV pumped out while it was parked in his driveway and he was in self-quarantine. He had taken the RV down to a dump station the week before, but it was a huge hassle having to pack everything away just for this one trip, and doing it every week didn’t appeal to him, especially if he could find another option. He asked how much we would charge and if we could help him out. Of course, Brett told him he would be happy to help out - free of charge.

We understand that medical professionals everywhere are risking their lives every day and they have a new obstacle; how to empty the black tanks of these RVs they are borrowing or using during the pandemic. Luckily, we can help with that. 

We got this local doctor helped out within 24 hours and after helping him out, Brett wandered over to the RVs for MDs Facebook group and found that there were many more people in need -- and not just locally. And that’s when Brett had his idea.

First, he joined RVs for MDs and he started posting that he could help. As a member of the Portable Sanitation Association International (PSAI), Brett had access to a member directory full of other portable restroom operators, just like At Your Service. So next, Brett sent an email to all of them explaining the need he was seeing and asking if they would like to help him create a nationwide network of professional operators that could be matched up with these healthcare professionals in need.

Within 4 days, the response blew up. There were operators responding from everywhere. He created the Facebook group PROs 4 RVs where he and a couple of other volunteers help organize the directory of operators willing to help. Today, Brett has helped create a network of 70 or so operators in 40 states (at the time of this writing) that offer their services for free or for discounted prices to nurses, doctors, and others in the medical field utilizing RVs to lessen the risk of exposure to their families.

In creating this network, Brett not only wants to help these healthcare heroes but also wants to help shed some light on an industry that people normally shy away from as dirty. While the work may be dirty sometimes, it’s a big need, especially in a time when the world is in such a strange state. He was recently interviewed about his efforts by the News on 6.

If you’re interested in becoming a part of this new network, know of someone who would be, or know of an operator offering services like these, have them reach out to Brett with your/their service area information and a good phone number or join the Facebook group PROs 4 RVs where they can get you or the company added to the directory.

Healthcare workers in need can reach out as well, to get in touch with someone able to help them in their area.*

We all hope that the world goes back to “normal” soon, but until then, At Your Service will be helping medical and healthcare professionals through this time as a small thank you for their hard work. We hope you’ll join us.


* Operators may not be in every area, as the effort continues to expand the network.

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash